Khusyu' in Practical (1 out of 3)


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

This post is a continuation of the previous three posts in this blog and they are:

Go and read them before reading this post as it may help us in taking this knowledge whole-heartedly and those are the very first steps in seeking for khusyu', Insya Allah.

To obtain khusyu' in one's solat, I think it is best to divide them into three parts namely:
1) Before solat
2) During solat
3) After solat

For the time being, I will concentrate on the first step in obtaining solat, biithnillah.
Capturing back of what I have learnt in the 'Coolness of the Eye' taught by Syeikh Tawfique Chowdhury seminar in Al-Kauthar Institute and Bulugh Al-Maram taught by Syeikh Bilal Ismail, here are the lists of what we should do to get khusyu' before solat:
*Bear in mind, that there can be hundreds in the list, however, I only take the very essential steps pertaining to our modern day dilemma.

1) Perfecting the wudhu'
1.1 - Sahabat Abdillah bin Amir ra berkata, bahwa Rasulullah saw telah bersabda: "Tiada seorang muslim yang melaksanakan wudhu dengan sempurna kemudian melakukan shalat dengan khusyu', kecuali dia akan kembali bersih dari dosa sebagaimana ketika dilahirkan dari kandungan ibunya." (HR, Muslim dan Abu Dawud) (Masuk sket bahasa kebangsaan). Wudhu' is an essential part of solat, so do take them as perfect as you can.

1.2 - This video is one of the videos that are in youtube that can teach us how to make our wudhu' as thought by the Prophet SAW and ways to perfect the wudhu'.

2) Split it out
2.1 - Frequently, the very things that we do not remember, they will quickly pop out in our mind during prayer. Hence, Syeikh Tawfique said that it is wise for a person to split it out (verbally or mentally) the things that they will be thinking about or do before the salah so that the 'haqq' of your mind is fulfilled. Same goes when you want to go to the toilet.
2.2 - If the meal is presented in front of you, go and eat them BUT only for a small amount, just to fulfill your desire and then pray at the earliest time. [Bulugh Al-Maram, #188]
2.3 - Learn the du'a to go to masjid and while entering the masjid. If you are the type whom not used to pray in the masjid, learn the du'a to recite before solat.

3) Dress to meet Allah
3.1 - Imagine you are going to meet with you boss for work interview or scholarship interview, we would take a long time to prepare ourselves right? What are these when compare to meet with Allah SWT? Dress completely(not showing aurat, no short shirts, tight jeans and shirts and etc), comfortably, nicely, plainly and used some mild perfumes.

3.2 - I recommend a thaub (jubah) or malay dress (baju melayu) as they are loose and really prepare your mind that you are about to perform solat ,thus psychologically help you in obtaining khusyu'.

4) A good Musolla (Prayer mat)
4.1 - Use plain musolla. Even the Prophet SAW could not concentrate when a Qiram (a soft piece of cloth with colors) that are attached to the windows would disturb him in prayer [Bulugh Al-Maram, #192]. What about our musolla with full of colorings and designs? Some scholars even said that it is makruh to have such musolla. So try your best to avoid these exessive decorations.

4.1 - Concentrate on the place where you are about to sujood before solat and don't make a wild look on the surroundings especially before solat.

While I am writting this post, there are some questions keep popping out from the back of my head. The questions are....
Why am I posting these kind of posts while we all know about it already or pretend to know? Isn't there anything that I can share about?
Why am I not sharing my thoughts on things that are making the news like BERSIH 2.0, the revolution and etc? I am not saying that it is bad to talk about these, it is of great significant to help the ummah but how big of change can we do about it..

Well, it is because...

1) The prayer is the second pillars in Islam and the first ibadah that are actions based iman.

2) On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may ALLAH be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him), who said:
"ALLAH (mighty and sublime be He) says:
'The first of his actions for which a servant of ALLAH will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayers (salah).' If they are in order, then he will have prospered and succeeded; and if they are wanting, then he will have failed and lost. If there is something defective in his obligatory prayers, the Lord (glorified and exalted be He) will say: 'See if My servant has any supererogatory prayers with which may be completed that which was defective in his obligatory prayers.' Then the rest of his actions will be judged in like fashion."
[At-Tirmidhi (also by Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and Ahmad).]

3) Umar radi Allahu anhu said while standing on a pulpit, “A man might have white hair in Islam (he reaches old age while Muslim), yet, he has not completed even one Salah for Allah the Exalted! He was asked why that is and he answered: He does not perfect the prayer’s required Khushu” –Al-Ihya, vol.1, p202.

Now, we know that khusyu' is wajib (obligatory) based on the verse below condemning to those who do not have khusyu' explained by Syeikh Tawfique Chowdhury.
Now, do we really want to fix things that are beyond our control while solat is the very essence of actions that we can surely change to make it better and still all of us pretend it is not "that" important.

Wallahu A'lam Bissowab,
Asiff for the lengthy post.


  1. Salam alaik,

    Shukran wa jzkk for sharing this and especially for the time anta spent on posting this. May Allah reward anta for anta's good intentions/deeds.

    And yes you're right. Often when one prepares well for prayers, it psychologically helps in the process of attaining that khusyu'-ness.

    Tell ana bout it. Sometimes ana too am annoyed when ana post a lengthy one cos ana know people tend to be lazy to read long posts. Shikes, but I guess in the end, as long as our niat is right and we do things for His sake, inshaAllah, all is well. Kalau org x baca pun, it's fine.. Allah knows we've done our part. =)


  2. Waalaikum salam,

    Amin ya Allah..

    Well, this post ana think it is quite long because it includes tazkirah with some ta'lim... thats why it is quite long.. normally, in a post there will be only either tazkirah or ta'lim, but this time rasenye it is better to give both cuz mere ta'lim without realization of its importance boleh wat kita senang lupe..

    WaAllahu A'lam..

  3. Salam, what is ta'lim? Ana know tazkirah is similar to khutbah/sermon. Or am I wrong?

  4. Wasalam.. ta'lim ni comes from the root word i'lm.. basically meaning knowledge/science.. so a'lima means to learn.. so ta'lim to is like you are studying (masculin).. tp org slalu pakai untuk menunjukan majlis belajar agama which is ta'lim.. as for tazkirah, it is rooted from zikr, which is remembrance..

    so beza die is, ta'lim is like learning new stuff but tazkirah ni cam smeorang da taw, tp just sbg reminder..

    tazkirah main goal die is to make people remember and come back to the deen.. ingatkan kembali..
    but ta'lim is to give kefahaman yang orang x pernah tahu lagi, belajar benda baru..

    haha.. ana pon da pening da.. harap2 enti fahamla..

  5. Shukran jazilan akhi. At least now ana's understanding on both terms is crystal clear. Jazakallahukhayran kathira.


  6. Afwan wa waiyyaki.

    Barakallahu feeki..
    Waalaikum salam



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Most of us are students and working professionals that strive for the purification of the heart. We believed that tazkiyatunnafs is a gradual process as the heart needs reminder 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

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Faiz At-Toulouse, Asyraf A. R., Abu Abdullah, Zagazig Guy, Rempo Al-Khain, Asozero.

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As most of us are not full time Thallabul Ilm, we dedicate our free time to learn the islamic knowledge through multiple mediums such as islamic institutes (Al-Bayyinah Institute, Al-Kauthar Institute, Al-Maghrib Institute), Youtube lectures, Internets, Weekly Usrahs and Halaqahs, Meeting up with friends discussing about the personal heart issues or bigger ummah issues, and traveling (because traveling teaches you unexpected wisdom through unexpected circumstances)