
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

Monolog Dalaman seorang insan:

Pada pagi subuh, ku menanti terbitnya matahari sambil menelaah terjemahan dan membaca Al-Quran pada sudut kebiasaan aku selepas solat subuh yang dingin. Menunggu matahari terbit pada belah timur kerana pada bila-bila masa sahaja ia boleh terbit pada belah barat dan aku tidak mengetahuinya kerana leka dengan urusan dunia.

Aku sedang membaca Surah Al-Hijr [19].

dan saat aku tiba pada ayat ini,
A'uzubillahi minassyaithonirrajim,

Sahih International
And the earth - We have spread it and cast therein firmly set mountains and caused to grow therein [something] of every well-balanced thing.

Aku berfikir sejenak. Teringat akan professor aku di dalam kelas CIV 300, kelas yang mengajar tentang ciri-ciri bumi. Bumi tempat kita tinggal buat sementara waktu seperti seorang pengembara yang berhenti sejenak di bawah pokok kurma untuk berehat sebelum ke tempat yang hendak dituju, nun jauh lagi dari tempat destinasi.


Ku berfikir, segala benda dan perkara didalam dunia ini, Allah SWT menjadikannya dengan cukup sempurna dan cukup seimbang. Seperti, awan yang tidak pernah mencecah lantai bumi, seperti pertukaran matahari dan bulan, seperti sejuk dan panas, seperti hujan dan salji, seperti, laut dan tasik, dan seperti perempuan dan lelaki.

Segalanya seimbang. Udara untuk manusia adalah elemen yang paling mudah dan terlalu banyak disediakan oleh Allah SWT kerana ia adalah paling penting dalam men'sustain' manusia. Dan juga air, makanan dan pakaian.


segalanya adalah untuk sementara waktu sahaja.

Aku berfikir sejenak....

Aku cuba menilai mengikut akalku tetapi tidak berjaya..
Aku cuba menilai mengikut hatiku.. dan jawapannya adalah:

Surah As-Sajda [15]:

Sahih International
Only those believe in Our verses who, when they are reminded by them, fall down in prostration and exalt [ Allah ] with praise of their Lord, and they are not arrogant.

Segala keajaiban di dalam dunia ini adalah untuk manusia, kerana manusa di hadiahkan oleh Allah akal yang dapat menilai. Menilai tentang kehidupan dan mekanisma di sekeliling manusia.

Sebagai peringatan, bahawa, Allah SWT adalah Tuhan yang Maha Esa, Maha Kuasa, Maha Besar dan betapa kecil dan lemahnya manusia.

Namun, manusia jalan di muka bumi ini dengan langkah-langkah yang angkuh, memikirkan manusia adalah hebat.

Sombong. Bongkak.

Sedangkan segala kehidupan di sekeliling kita tidak henti-henti bertasbih kepada Allah SWT.

Kerana Alllah The Most Merciful, Dia sentiasa mengingatkan kita tentang realiti hidup dengan semua keajaiban didalam dunia ini.

Hati ku seolah-olah merasakan air sejuk yang sedang mengalir dengan tenang di atasnya kerana aku telah sedar betapa Allah menyayangi hamba-Nya dengan penciptaan-Nya untuk mengembalikan aku ke pangkal jalan. Sentiasa. Tanpa henti. Sampai akhir hayatku.

Kembali ke pangkal jalan-Nya untuk bersiap sedia bertemu dengan-Nya pada waktu kelak yang telah dijanjikan-Nya.

Segala pujian hanya bagi Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.


  1. setuju!

    btw, penulisan bhs melayu enta sgt bagus. ana malu ngan bm ana yg makin karat. adoi.


  2. "Kerana Alllah The Most Merciful, Dia sentiasa mengingatkan kita tentang realiti hidup dengan semua keajaiban didalam dunia ini."

    tapi kan, yang x dpt hidayahNya, isn't it unfair to them? =( diorang x dpt peringatan pun from Him. =( unlike us, who are so privileged and so fortunate to always be reminded by the Holy Book and other sources.


  3. based on ape yg ana belajar from Syeikh Yahya Ibrahim and Yasir Qadhi, ade beberapa catergory mereka ini yang dikelaskan oleh Ulama'

    1) Believers whom learned, knew and acknowledged (act) the truth. However, there are also believers, who thinks they are believers but have never done any solat in their life, and they are not considered to be muslim by ijma' from all 4 madhahibs. As to be a true believer, one must learn and act. Examples of creation who knew the truth and believe in it more than we believed but still will be in the fire, they are syayathin.

    2) Disbelievers who knew the truth but reject it. They are known as kafirs, as the definition meant one who dig a whole and place the truth inside it as deep as they can and close it back. They pretend to have no knowledge the, try to hide once truth have come to them.. They were mentioned a lot of time in the Al-Quran. The Munafiquun, Musyrikuun, Kafiruun and Innovators are in this category.

    3) People whom have not given/received any information or enough information that can lead them to make the decision, it is said that a messenger will be given to them on the day of resurrection, and they will be tested on that day, if they rejected the message, it is as if they will reject the message in the dunya. Only Allah knows who are in these category as we do not have access to their heart but only Allah can.

    And for every Ummah (a community or a nation), there is a Messenger; when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged. (Qur'ân 10:47)

    And now, as there will be no more prophet after Prophet Muhammad SAW, this ummah were given privileged to call the humanity towards the truth.

    The scholars are the inheritors of Prophets and we as average Muslim are constantly and repeatedly commanded to do amr ma'ruf and nahi mungkar, so it is a prove to call upon others (importantly, families and closed friends first).

    By Allah Mercy, we are blessed with Islam and Iman and more importantly Allah makes our heart to find peace and realize of this blessing in this dean as only Allah who gives the Hidayatul Tawfeeq (divine guidance). As He SWT guides whomsoever He wills and send astray whomsoever He wills.

    and Allah Knows Best. Allahu A'lam.

    P/S: sister, in Islam, you can asked all the questions you want as the sahabat did to the prophet SAW. They asked about the religion as one of the way for their hearts to become at rest, same to when Ibrahim AS wants to see the dead to come alive and asked the permission from Allah, just to make his heart calm. if not syayathin will cast doubts in your heart, but one should have this in mind:
    1) always accept the answer if it is from Al-Quran and As-Sunnah and explanation from scholars.
    2) do not expect that there will be always an answer, as Allah did not revealed all knowledge to human being, and the knowledge that human get are only a dip of the ocean in the earth.
    3) if there is no answer to it, make your heart rest and put trust to Allah through understanding All His Beautiful Names which were authenticated.
    4) if you get answer because of someone opinion, try not to accept it 100%, check the source or from more knowledgeable person.

  4. 5) lastly, do not put what our pre-judiced answer to be the answer and persuade our mind to accept what we have thought to be the answer, as by this, we could lead to not believed what has been revealed through Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.

    WAllahu Ta'ala A'lam.

    Aseef for the long reply. Ana just have the instinct to write all of this to help enti's heart become peace. Surely, knowledge of the Truth brings the hearts to peace and by a lot of remembrance of Allah, hearts find the peace.

  5. Salam akhi,

    Jzkk for anta's long reply.

    Ana do appreciate it a lot. Barakallahufeek (May Allah bless anta).

    Allah SWT always recognizes His slaves good deeds and ana believe anta will be rewarded for anta's efforts.


    (Btw, ana emel to one of the Shaykh yg akhi Aiman bagi kat ana tp sampai skrg x dpt reply. Sob. Igt nak jumpa Shaykh masa ana kat toronto nnt but maybe this won't happen *sedih*)

  6. waalaikum salam warahmatullah,

    oo.. hurmmm, boleh je tujukan soklan to ana, and then ana akan try tanye syeikh when ade kelas Al-Maghrib or Al-Kauthar..

    Fiki barakallah

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. waalaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

    oo, boleh2.. insya Allah..

    insya Allah, ana ade kelas arini dengan Syeikh Kamal Al-Mekki, nnt ana forwardkan questions to him, biithnillah



Why Do We Write?

Most of us are students and working professionals that strive for the purification of the heart. We believed that tazkiyatunnafs is a gradual process as the heart needs reminder 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Meet the Authors

Faiz At-Toulouse, Asyraf A. R., Abu Abdullah, Zagazig Guy, Rempo Al-Khain, Asozero.

About the content

As most of us are not full time Thallabul Ilm, we dedicate our free time to learn the islamic knowledge through multiple mediums such as islamic institutes (Al-Bayyinah Institute, Al-Kauthar Institute, Al-Maghrib Institute), Youtube lectures, Internets, Weekly Usrahs and Halaqahs, Meeting up with friends discussing about the personal heart issues or bigger ummah issues, and traveling (because traveling teaches you unexpected wisdom through unexpected circumstances)